Healthy skin

A healthy skin starts from the inside out. You should eat a diet rich in good fats

Thursday, 25 February 2016

How To Fix Dry Hair

The internal factors take longer time to get fixed and sometimes cannot be treated unless the underlying illness is cured. On the other hand the external factors are easy to fix.  Find out what is the cause for your dry hair and it would become easy to treat dry hair. Just focus on cutting back the activities that are causing dry hair.

Home Remedies For Dry Hair

1. Cut down the usage of hair styling tools: These tools, like curling irons, hot rollers, blow dryers steal away moisture from your hair. If you must use these tools then space out their usage as much as possible. Or use them once a while on special occasions.

2. Avoid direct sun rays: The direct sunlight robs moisture off your hair. Use umbrella or broad brimmed hat to cover your head and hair while going out for prolonged periods.

3. Avoid washing your hair with hot water: Hot water strips your hair off natural oils and causes hair to become dry. Instead wash with cool water, as it locks in the moisture and keep intact hair shine. In winters you may use warm water, if you like.

4. Do not shampoo your hair often: Too much shampooing robs natural oils off your hair, as many shampoos contain harsh cleansing agents. Instead use an organic gentle shampoo to stimulate your hair oil glands. Normally twice a week is good enough. But if you have oily hair, use shampoo every alternate day.
The best hair shampoo for dry hair is that which contains a pH of between 4.5 and 6.7. As a thumb rule, don’t choose a hair shampoo that you would not apply on your face. Also never use baby shampoos, as there pH content is very high.

5. Hair Conditioner must for Dry Hair: Choose a hair conditioner with no or very little alcohol. Alcohol strips away moisture and natural oils off your hair. A rule of thumb is conditioners that have no or little fragrance tend to contain either no alcohol or be low in alcohol. In case you are having extremely dry hair, consider applying an overnight conditioner that you can apply before sleeping at night. To avoid being messy, wear a shower cap or cover your head and hair with a towel while sleeping.
Dry Hair Home Remedies Using Natural Ingredients

6. Olive or Coconut Oil For Dry Hair: Massage a little warm olive or coconut oil onto your scalp and hair. Let it sit on your scalp and hair for about 40 minutes and then rinse the oil off your hair with a mild organic shampoo. Best is to apply the oil before you go to bed, leave it on overnight and wash your hair with cool water in the morning.

7. Eggs Treatment For Dry Hair: A number of home remedies for dry hair use eggs. Eggs contain protein and lecithin which make your hair healthy and add shine. Beat 2-3 eggs and mix with 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. Apply it into your scalp and hair, let it remain there for 30 minutes, and then shampoo as you normally do. For washing your hair don’t use warm or hot water, lest you make a poached egg on your head!

8. Vinegar – A Great Conditioner: It improves hair cleanliness and provides gloss to your hair. Simply add a teaspoon of vinegar to your final hair rinse to treat your dry hair. Vinegar use on hair also helps in getting rid of dandruff from dry hair. Consider massaging your scalp with vinegar before you shampoo.
You can make your own homemade conditioner for dry hair by adding 1/2 cup of vinegar to 2 cups of water. Massage this conditioner gently onto your hair after you shampoo, leave it there for few minutes, and then rinse it off thoroughly with cool water. For a stronger treatment to control dandruff, you can use the same method, but keep the mixture on your hair for up to 45 minutes. This vinegar rinse not only controls dandruff and hair frizziness, but is also an effective treatment for dry, damaged hair.

9. Avocado: You can use avocado alone or mix it with overripe banana and mayonnaise to make a best hair mask for dry hair. Apply it onto hair and leave it there for up to an hour, and then rinse it off with water. This works to seal moisture into hair follicles.

10. Full-fat Mayonnaise: Do not use a diet or low fat, but slather about 1 tablespoon of full-fat mayonnaise onto your hair, massage it into your scalp and spread evenly throughout your hair. After about 30 minutes rinse your hair thoroughly with water.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

Surprising....Oils are good for oily skin

Most people fret about either oily skin or combination skin. The unnecessary greasy and shiny appearance on the face is never wanted. people with such skin  types absolutely dread the usage of creams and specially oils on the face.
 But proving a good dose of the nutrients to the skin and for keeping the skin's elasticity intact, it really important to apply the RIGHT KIND OF OIL to the face.

As we know that oily skin has excess sebum production on the face, which is naturally composed of more of Oleic acid and less of Linoleic acid. More Oleic acid / less Linoleic acid leads to thick sticky sebum, oily face and acne breakouts.

So with the correct of oils and using the right oils on the face, can actually do wonders to the skin.
For oily skin, strict care must be taken to choose a oil which is high in Linoleic acid and is cold pressed.

Certain oils that are high in Linoleic Acid are Safflower oil, Grapeseed oil, Black cumin oil and Evening Primrose oil. Adding a few of Essential oils like Lavender Oil or Tea tree oil can further enhance the efficacy.
These oils gets rapidly absorbed into clean skin without the least trace of oiliness.Application of these oils not only subside acne but also greatly nourish the skin and impart a wonderful glow to the face.

Self Care to Prevent Dark Circles!

Get Rid of Black Circles Under Your Eyes

Some of the main causes behind the formation of dark circles are heredity, aging, dry skin, prolonged crying, working for long hours in front of a computer, mental or physical stress, lack of sleep and an unhealthy diet. Both men and women of different age groups can have dark circles.
Dark circles are not a serious skin problem, but they make people look tired, exhausted, unhealthy and older. You can easily get rid of unsightly shadows under your eyes using some easy home remedies.
Here are the some natural home-remedies to get rid of dark circles fast-

1. Almond Oil

Almond oil is a great natural ingredient that is very beneficial for the delicate skin around your eyes. Regular usage of almond oil will help fade your under eye circles. In addition to almond oil, you can use vitamin E oil to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.
1.      Before going to bed, apply a little almond oil over the dark circles and gently massage it into the skin.
2.      Leave it on overnight.
3.      The next morning, wash it off with cold water.
4.      Follow this remedy daily until the dark circles disappear.

2. Cucumber

Cucumbers have skin-lightening and mild astringent properties that help fix those raccoon eyes naturally. Plus, they have a soothing and refreshing effect.
·         Cut a fresh cucumber into thick slices and chill them in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Put the slices onto the affected skin area for about 10 minutes. Wash the area with water. Repeat twice daily for about a week or more.
·         Another option is to mix cucumber juice with lemon juice in equal amounts. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture on the affected skin. Leave it on for 15 minutes and then wash it off with water. Follow this remedy daily for at least one week.

3. Turmeric

Turmeric has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can help minimize dark circles. It will also make the skin around your eyes smoother and softer.
  • Mix two teaspoons each of turmeric powder with pineapple juice to make a thick paste.
  • Apply this paste to the affected area.
  • Leave it on for about 10 minutes before wiping it away with a soft, damp cloth.
  • Do this daily until you get positive results.

4. Coconut Oil

Massaging with coconut oil is another effective natural remedy to lighten dark circles. Due to its moisturizing quality, coconut oil also promotes smooth skin and prevents wrinkles and fine lines under eyes.
1.      Simply massage some extra-virgin coconut oil on the under eye area.
2.      Leave it on for a few hours, and then wash it off.
3.      Repeat two to three times daily for a few months or until you are satisfied with the results.

5. Raw Potato

There are natural bleaching agents present in potato that can help lighten dark circles and get rid of puffiness around the eyes.
·         Grate one or two raw potatoes to extract the juice. Soak a cotton ball in the juice and place it over your closed eyes. Make sure the juice covers the dark circles under your eyes as well as the eyelids. Allow the juice to sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Rinse your eyelids well with cool water. Repeat once or twice daily for a few weeks.
·         Instead of potato juice, you can also use thick potato slices to remove dark circles.

6. Rose Water

Rose water has incredible ingredient for skin care. It rejuvenates the skin and has a soothing effect on tired eyes. Due to its mild astringent properties, it also works as a good skin toner.

1.      Soak cotton eye pads in pure rose water for a few minutes.
2.      Put the soaked pads on your closed eyelids.
3.      Leave them on for about 15 minutes.
4.      Follow this remedy twice daily for a few weeks.

7. Tomato

Tomatoes have bleaching properties that can lighten skin to a great extent.
·         Mix one teaspoon of tomato juice with one-half teaspoon of lemon juice. Gently apply this mixture on the dark circles and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Rinse it off with water. Follow this remedy twice a day for a few weeks. Simply using tomato juice will also work.
·         You can also drink a glass of tomato juice with some mint leaves, lemon juice and salt. For maximum results, be sure to drink this juice immediately after making it. Drink it once or twice a day for about a week.

8. Lemon Juice

The vitamin C present in lemon juice can also help remove dark circles under the eyes, thanks to its skin-lightening properties.
·         Use a cotton ball to apply fresh lemon juice around your eyes. Leave it on for about 10 minutes and rinse it off. Do this once daily for a few weeks.
·         Another option is to make a thick paste by mixing one tablespoon of lemon juice, two tablespoons of tomato puree, a pinch of gram flour (besan) and turmeric powder. Apply this thick paste gently around your eyes. Rinse it off with clean water after 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat two or three times every week.

Note: If the lemon juice causes a burning sensation then discontinue its use.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

How to prevent wrinkles and avoid sleep lines?


Constantly pressing your face down on the pillow can lead to the formation of lines on the face. Here are some suggestions -
One of the biggest concerns for most when it comes to beauty is ageing. And with the increasing number of external factors like sun exposure, pollution, etc keeping wrinkles at bay can be hard. Resting your face on the pillow the same way every night for years can also cause wrinkles. Often referred to as sleep lines or sleep wrinkles, this is caused by the skin being pressed against a pillowcase which breaks down collagen and elastic tissue over time.

Sleeping position over time can cause wrinkles. "Skin is subject to wear and tear forces. When we sleep on one side our facial skin touches the pillow and there is a frictional force created that puts a constant strain on the skin and underlying tissues. Over time these lead to formation of static wrinkles called sleep wrinkles.” "There are a few steps that can be taken to minimize the effects. Following a good night skin care regime is essential as skin metabolism is highest at night. To minimize friction instead of cotton any other shift material can be used on the pillow covers like silk, satin etc. Also drink at least one glass of water at night before sleeping as it keeps the skin hydrated."

If you sleep with your face buried in the pillow, you could wrinkle your chin, cheeks, or forehead. Two ways to avoid this are changing your sleeping positions and using anti-wrinkle pillows. Buckwheat hull pillows are ideal to sleep on - not only for their orthopedic support but also as anti-age pillows. The hulls conform to your face and cradle your face and neck to decrease pillow to face contact. The air-gaps caused in the hulls don't put pressure on your face thus preventing wrinkles and minimizing eye puffiness. Another option is to sleep on your back.

Sleeping on the side causes creases on your facial skin as the pillow or the bed presses against your cheeks. Years of this compression can make these wrinkles firmer. The worst thing to do is sleep on your tummy. One can instead opt for pillows that have an extra bump on the neck to support your neck and keep your spine straight. This prevents the face from compressing into the bed. Years ago, Geishas used to sleep straight with a very hard pillow under their neck. This kept their necks straight and the face safe from any pressure that can cause distortion or lines. Also, anti-ageing creams and products get absorbed by pillowcases when one sleeps, especially if the pillow has a cotton or linen case. This can rub off or wipe off your creams, another reason to sleep erect.

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Can your chemical laden skincare product lead to premature ageing......

The market and every departmental store is flooded with an enormous number of ambiguous skincare product range. Each one claims some or the other beneficial effect on the skin. And we are often fooled by their big claims, fancy packaging and a hefty price, which makes us believe that the products are highly effective, so the high price.
Let us look deeply into the skincare products, their ingredients etc. and decide if they are really worth applying on our skin. These products promise of smooth , moisturized or age reversed skin. But taking a cautious look at the ingredients, we will be shocked to see the huge of chemicals that actually have deleterious effects on the skin.
Look for the following chemicals in your skincare products:
Sulphates: Like Sodium Laurel Sulphate, it is widely found in most shampoos, cleansers and body washes. It has a very high corrosive and drying effect on the skin. With prolonged usage, the skin is stripped off its natural oil barrier and that leads to excessive dryness and eventually wrinkles and fine lines become pronounced on the skin.
Alcohols: Alcohols like ethanol/ethyl alcohol, benzoyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol are often used in cosmetics to give a light weightless feeling to the product. But it wreaks havoc on the skin. It dries up the skin hugely and leads to irritated, dry and wrinkled skin. The skin's natural oil barrier is broken off and the skin tissues get damaged eventually.
Mineral Oils/Silicones: Mineral oils  are the derivatives of petroleum products.Although they prevent the skin from dryness, it forms a thick film on the skin. The consequence of which is clogged pores.Same is observed with Silicones. Once the pores are blocked, the skin fails to eliminate the toxins from within, which results in inflammation and acne. And eventually lead to a more damaged and aged skin.
Sunscreen:Yes! sounds shocking! Everyone vouches for the benefits of sunscreen, but lets dig the truth out of chemical based sunscreens. Mainly consisting of benzene based products, like Oxybenzone, it forms great amount of free radicals when exposed to UV rays. Free radicals are the primary cause of wrinkles and fine lines. A good natural sunscreen with loads of natural antioxidants can actually prevent ageing.
Elements: Elements such as lead,mercury, chromium and lead in your cosmetics can lead to infertility, nerve disorders and breathing disorders.
Triclosan: Found mainly in toothpastes, its absorption leads to hormonal imbalance in the body.And its effect is seen on the body and the skin as well.

Similar harmful effect is also manifested by the usage of skincare products containing PEG,Parabens, Pthalates etc.

Before splurging on anything, look onto the label and think twice because your skin is at stake!

Thursday, 4 February 2016

Grow your hair naturally By Omorfee-Be Exotic

8 Foods That Help Your Hair Grow Faster

Whether you’re in the midst of trying to recover your strands from a misguided cut or simply want longer locks, you may have a hard time patiently waiting for your hair to grow. (We’ve been there.)
Luckily, unlike the watched pot that never boils, concentrating on your hair growth can yield actual results, particularly when it comes to strategic eating. Here are eight foods that make your hair grow, recommended by Harvard and Yale Medical School-trained nutritionist Jayson Calton, PhD, and licensed nutritionist and fitness chef Mira Calton, CN.

1. Salmon: This fish is loaded with the strong hair supporters like Vitamin D and protein, but it also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair growth by keeping your scalp healthy.

2. Yellow Peppers: Yellow bell peppers have nearly five and a half times more vitamin C than oranges (341 milligrams, as opposed to 63). This is good news for your locks since vitamin C is an antioxidant that strengthens the hair shaft and hair follicles, as well as prevents breakage.

3. OystersZinc deficiency has been noted to cause hair loss and poor scalp conditions and oysters are loaded with zinc — just three ounces contain 493 percent of your daily value. But not just any oysters will do: Steer clear of the ones caught in the Gulf of Mexico, which may contain unusually high levels of Cadmium due to the 2010 BP oil spill.

4. Eggs: Eggs are an excellent source of those aforementioned omega-3s, and they are also contains biotin (which many people trying to grow their hair take in supplement form). But, just so you’re aware, it’s not the egg white that will make your hair long and beautiful, it’s the yolk. Eating too many egg whites can actually block the absorption of biotin into the body, causing a depletion of this micronutrient.

5. Sunflower Seeds: Just a few little seeds can supply you with an abundance of vitamin E, which will enhance blood flow to the scalp and promote faster hair growth.

6. Sweet Potatoes: These are loaded with beta carotene, the precursor for vitamin A that not only promotes a healthy scalp but  promotes hair growth. But choose foods loaded with beta carotene over supplementing with high doses — like over 2500 milligrams — of vitamin A from retinol since it can be toxic at very high levels.

7.  Avocados: Due to their high concentration of essential fatty acids naturally found in skin cells (which help to keep your skin smooth and supple), avocados are an age-old beauty secret. When topically applied to the hair and scalp, they have the added ability to stimulate collagen and elastin production. Mix a little avocado with sour cream (which contains lactic acid to help exfoliate dead skin and clean up buildup on the scalp) and apply to your hair and scalp for about ten minutes before washing it off.

8. Almonds: These nuts will make your hair grow faster and thicker due to their high biotin content. One cup contains nearly one-third of your daily requirement. You should be able to see the results in a month or two of adding them to your diet.

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Revel your beauty with wine!!

We all know that wine is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes, strawberries, cranberries or any other fruit of this segment.
Since ages wine has been known to possess several beneficial properties for the health and beauty point of view.
Wine is highly rich in antioxidants. It has great scale of antioxidants, polyphenols, which can scavenge (kill) the harmful free radicals formed  in our bodies.
A regular moderate consumption (1 glass for women and 2 glasses for men; 50 -100ml) of wine can have profound health benefits.A few are listed as under:
It lowers cholesterol and lowers the accumulation of saturated fatty acids in the body
Being fortified with 'Melatonin', wine can induce sleep and relax the body
The presence of antioxidants prevents the deposition of fats in the arteries, thereby preventing cardiac diseases
The presence of  'resveratol' prevents any kind of inflammation in body, especially the brain, thereby preventing dementia or any other brain disease

Wine has immense effects on skin beauty. The presence of resveratol, tannins and flavonoids drive away the free radicals from the skin. It restores Collagen and Elastins, hence lifting up sagging skin and plumping out the wrinkles on the face.
Face packs enriched with wine provides the skin with great benefits. An example of a good anti-ageing face-pack with wine is described here:
Mix 2 parts wine, 1 part egg white and 1 part cocoa powder. Apply it onto cleansed face and allow it to dry. Once dry, wash it off with clean cold water . Weekly usage of this recipe will render the skin glowing and youthful.

Rubbing wine ice cubes regularly on the face also boosts the skin health and tightens the skin tissues.

So get ready to revel your beauty with the wonders of wine!

Thursday, 28 January 2016

Beauty habits to follow every morning!

Beauty Habits You Should Be Doing Every Morning

Not a morning person? We get it. Just because you don’t wake up bright and bushy-tailed, however, doesn’t mean that you can’t start your day off on the right foot by making a few additions to your morning beauty routine. It’s easy: just add these must-dos to your A.M. schedule and reap the benefits all day long.

1)      Use an antioxidant serum.
Potent antioxidants, like vitamins C and E, help to protect the skin from aging free radicals, which occur when you encounter UV rays, pollution, and other environmental skin stressors throughout the day. They also help your sunscreen to work better, and over time really help to impart skin with a noticeable glow.
2)      Eat some protein.
Trade your carb-heavy bagel or sugary fruit for eggs or Greek yogurt. 
A recent study found that eating a high-protein breakfast helped women stay fuller longer and avoid overeating later in the day, which is basically all we’ve ever wanted out of food.
3)      Duh, sunscreen!
You already know that you need some form of sun protection daily (yes, even when it’s cloudy, or even snowing), but did you realize that the SPF in your makeup probably isn’t cutting it? That’s right: you need about a nickel-sized amount of sunscreen for your face alone, and most of us don’t pile on makeup that thick. Double up on protection by using an SPF moisturizer under your foundation or powder
4)      Drink a tall glass of water.
Dehydration doesn’t only make you 
feel terrible—it messes with the quality of your skin, too. After a night’s rest, your body is desperate for fluids, so starting the day with a big glass of water, preferably ice cold, is key for kicking off your metabolism and sending the message to your brain that it’s time to get started.
5)      Move your body.
Studies have proven that women who exercise in the morning sleep better at night. Still, the beauty benefits of sleep are very real, so you want to be sure you’re getting every second of sleep that you need, without compromising to fit in that early morning workout. Shift your schedule to make a 
morning workout easier to manage.
6)      Spritz on a citrusy fragrance.
Something as simple as using a citrus-based perfume or body lotion can help jumpstart your day. Studies 
have shown that citrus fragrances actually work to reduce stress and even help boost immune function. It’s science!
7)      Mist your face.
Keep your face mist of choice in your fridge and give yourself a frigid spritz to the face first thing in the morning. It’s shocking, yes, but it’s just the thing to bring down morning puffiness and leave you feeling bright and awake. 
Very awake.

8)      Drink green tea.
If you need an A.M. caffeine boost and aren’t the coffee type, green tea is the ideal way to get it. The drink is packed with flavonoids, a type of antioxidant, which have been proven to slow cell damage (read: premature aging) and are even linked to a reduced risk of certain cancers. Can’t bear to give up your coffee habit? Good news: coffee contains antioxidants, too, and research suggests that it may even speed up the metabolism.

Thursday, 21 January 2016



There are few things more frustrating than going to bed with clear skin and waking up with a mammoth zit on your face. We all want gorgeous, flawless skin that radiates from the inside out. But who has time with a million different toners, scrubs, eye creams, and masques every day and every night? It can be overwhelming and exhausting. Here are tips to avoid pimples=

Always remove your make-up. We repeat, do NOT go to bed with your make up on.  Leaving make-up on overnight will clog pores and lead to breakouts. If you prefer to use a make-up wipe or make-up remover to take off your make-up that is fine. You should still wash your face after you remove your make-up. For those with dry or sensitive skin choose a gentle non-foaming cleanser.

Sun exposure is the worst thing for your skin, it is the main cause of premature aging. There is no excuse for skimping on daily sun protection. While it’s ok to use a moisturizer in the morning with SPF, you should still reapply every two hours for maximum protection. Powered sunscreens are great to keep on hand; you can quickly dust it on anytime, anywhere.
It’s as simple as that. In the morning wash your face and apply a moisturizing sunscreen. In the evening, wash again and use a retinoid. Those simple steps will keep your skin in tip top shape.

Regular exfoliation is a must for a glowing complexion. The best way to do it is in the shower when skin is more supple. Exfoliating brushes like the Clarisonic Brush takes all the guess work out of it. It runs off a timer and provides just the right amount of pressure for good exfoliation.  Another good way to exfoliate your skin is by using a prescription retinoid cream like Retin-A. Retinoids turn over skin cells and help bring new ones to the surface, preventing fine lines, wrinkles and discoloration while exfoliating.

Thursday, 14 January 2016

Natural tips for beautiful and soft lips in winter by Omorfee- Be Exotic

Dealing with dry and chapped lips? Omorfee presents some natural Tips for beautiful & soft Lips in Winter!!

Are your lips soft and smooth all time? Maybe not ….right!!!

They have fewer oil glands than other parts of body so they get dry very soon and are cracked easily; it is very painful in some cases. Mainly this problem arises in the winter season so lips require more care. Healthy and soft lips add beauty to your face and attract others. So why don’t you nourish them and keep healthy by considering some simple, natural and cheap methods that will definitely help you to get rid of cracked lips and keep them moist all the time inwinter. But…remember one thing that whatever you apply on your lips like lipstick, moisturizer, lip gloss or lip balm; you are eating and it is harmful one or other way. So, keep your Lips beautiful and Soft in winter with the help of natural tips.


Make sure that you drink plenty of pure and filtered water; at least eight to ten glasses a day so your body is well hydrated as well as eat more & more fruits because they are high in moisture content. The other way to keep your lips hydrated is; take 1 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon of baking soda, and 1/2 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix baking soda and honey, and apply it on the lips for a few minutes and gently rub your lips to remove the dead skin. Lastly, apply the olive oil on the lips for moisturizing.

Moisturize and nourish

Moisturize your skin and lips in this winter. Add a few drops of oil to the water to hold the lost moisture from bathing. Keep away from bathing with hot water during winter as it can reduce the skin’s natural oils. Secondly, you can apply thick layer of honey or castor oil on your lips, it will give the natural moisture to your skin. The most important thing is that avoid products which has fragrances, flavors, salicylic acid, and camphor, menthol as well as phenol. You can prepare your own solution at home to moisturize your lips; mix 2-teaspoon coconut oil, 3 drops of lemon oil, lemon juice, and 1-teaspoon bee wax then warm it on low flame and after melting, pour into a glass jar.

Give up unhealthy habits

Generally people have a habit of wetting lips with tongue, this is usually more damaging your lips as you remove the thin layer of natural fat and you expose them to cold and wind. So, they get cracked. You have a tendency to bite them in order to remove the damaged skin. So, try to leave this habit and drink ample of water to retain your lips and skin moisturized. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

Honey can do miracles

You can use honey to massage your lips every night before going to bed as well as you can use it combined with olive oil and propolis for better effect.
