Thursday, 15 September 2016

Feed Your Hair with These Fabulous Vegetables

Eating right, exercising, reducing stress and getting plenty of sleep, will help you maximize your hair growth potential. Also, incorporating healthy foods in your day-to-day diet will lead to a difference in hair. 
Hair follicles are made of protein, and what you eat can significantly affect your hair’s health. While many of the foods recommended to promote hair growth are animal-based, like eggs, lean meats and yogurt, there are quite a few vegetables that can be eaten to increase hair growth, which can be especially important if you do not consume animal products.

·        Beans

Black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans and many other varieties of beans are high in protein content and derive a significant amount of their caloric content from protein. Hair is made up of protein, so it is important to eat protein-rich foods like beans for hair health, particularly if you are on a vegetarian or vegan diet that does not allow animal products like eggs, fish or lean meats for essential protein.

·        Broccoli

Like beans, broccoli derives much of its caloric content from protein, which is essential for hair health and growth. The nutrient profile of Broccoli makes it excellent food to prevent hair loss. The antioxidants in broccoli seeds make the hair root strong. The vitamin and calcium present in Broccoli holds the hair well from the roots and prevent from hair breakage.

·        Spinach

Spinach is an important vegetable for hair growth because it is high in protein and vitamin A and vitamin C, which the body uses to produce oils in the scalp, which can help increase hair growth. Vitamin A and vitamin C deficiencies can increase hair loss or lead to brittle, thin hair that does not grow as quickly.

·        Carrots

Carrots are a source of vitamin A and B7, which helps promote general scalp health. Also, Biotin is essential for hair re-growth. At the same time, it helps to strengthen the hair roots so that hair does not fall out easily.
Carrots also play a role in sebum production, much like spinach, and a diet rich in carrots can lead to faster hair growth through healthy sebum production. Boil some carrots and blend them. Don’t throw the water you boiled them in, use the same to grind and blend them. Apply the paste to your hair and leave on for 30 minutes. Wash it away. This mask helps reduce hair fall and also promotes hair growth.


·        Soybeans and Soy Products

Soybeans and soy products are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which are more difficult to come by if you are on a vegetarian diet that does not allow fish like salmon and halibut. Omega-3 fatty acids are made up of three main properties, including ALA or alpha linolenic acid, EPA, or eicosapentaenoic acid and DHA, or docosahexaenoic acid. These essential properties can help to grow hair by increasing hair follicle growth from the inside out while making hair fuller and thicker. Tofu, soy milk, steamed soy beans and soy supplements are sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

·        Onions

Onions are also a helpful nutrient for the hair. It is an affluent source of zinc, iron and Biotin, all of which are needful for hair growth. In addition to hair growth, onion is a wonderful vegetable that helps in preventing the premature graying of hair.

·        Garlic

Although having a pungent smell, garlic is an ideal tonic for the hair. It is good to add this to your regular diet chart, as it contains very few calories. In addition, garlic contains a very high sulfur content, which is considered best for hair re-growth.
Cucumber is also known to achieve healthy hair.  Blend in some fresh cucumbers and apply the paste to your scalp and massage thoroughly. You might want to add some fenugreek powder as blend will be runny.


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