Healthy skin

A healthy skin starts from the inside out. You should eat a diet rich in good fats

Thursday, 21 April 2016


1.) Use Aloe Vera for the Removal of Blackheads

Aloe Vera has anti-bacterial and anti- inflammatory properties. It helps in smoothening your skin. It can easily available near your house. First clean your face, then apply aloe Vera gel on your face. After some time wash off your face with water. This aloe Vera gel is really helpful home remedy of blackhead removal.

2.) Use Cinnamon Powder for the Removal of Blackheads

Due to the antibacterial quality of cinnamon, make a fragrant face mask to get rid of blackheads. Take one part of cinnamon and two parts of honey and mix them well to make a paste. Apply this paste on your face and leave it for at least fifteen minutes. Rinse it off with your cleanser and then apply moisturizer. This remedy gives best results.

3.) Oatmeal to Treat Blackheads

For keeping your skin dirt and oil free use the mixture of oatmeal and yogurt. Take one tablespoon honey and the juice of four tomatoes  to make a sufficient amount of paste. Scrub it on your face. Wash it off after 10 minutes. Repeat this phenomenon regularly. This is the slow remedy of blackhead removal, but it still works well.

4.) Green Tea For The Removal of Blackheads

Green tea is helpful for removing blackheads because it has antioxidant properties. Take one teaspoon of dry tea leaves, mix it with a little water and make a paste. Scrub this paste on the face for at least two to three minutes. This scrub helps to remove clogged pores and makes the skin oil free. Wash it off with lukewarm water. This is one of the best home remedy of blackhead removal.

5.) Honey to Cure Blackheads

Honey is one of the best home remedy of blackhead removal. Honey is a good way to for cleaning our skin because of the antibacterial property present in honey, which makes our skin oil free and removes the blackheads as well. It also gives you a fair complexion. Honey is also a  good remedy of blackheads. Take some pure honey and apply it on your face. Let it dry for ten minutes. Then wash your face with lukewarm water.

6.) Use Turmeric as a Home Remedy of Blackhead Removal

Turmeric has anti-oxidant and  anti-inflammatory properties. So its results to make our skin, blackheads free. Take a small amount of turmeric with some water or can use coconut oil to  make a paste. Then dab it on your face and leave it to dry for ten to fifteen minutes. Wash your face with lukewarm water. Use this remedy two to three times in a week and then you will see the best results.

7.) Use Lemon Juice to Treat Blackheads

Lemon juice helps in to remove your dead skin and it lightens your scars because it contains alpha hydroxy acid  and vitamin c which is an antioxidant. First of all, wash your face with water and use a moisturizer. Take one organic lemon and extract, lemon juice in a glass. Dab a cotton ball in juice and apply it on your blackheads. Let it dry and then wash your face with cold water.

8.) Use Baking Soda as a Home Remedy of Blackheads Removal

Using of baking soda is an excellent way to get rid of blackheads because it has antiseptic property. Take one tablespoon of baking soda and mix it with some water to form a paste. Apply this paste on the affected area of your skin and let it dry for at least ten minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water.

Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Cool down heat rashes

Come summers and along with it comes scorching heat,  profuse sweating and heat rashes!
Heat rashes give an unsightly look and it can occur to babies and adults as well. The main cause of heat rashes is clogged sweat pores. During the heated summer days, when the body tries to cool itself down, it happens through sweating. But when the sweat pores are blocked, sweat along with bacteria combine to form itchy red bumps on the skin.It causes a lot of discomfort and worry to the person affected.
Heat rashes can range from mild skin colors bumps that subside on their own in a couple of days to severe ones which needs medical attention.
There are certain factors that aggravate the severity of heat rashes. They are listed below:
High temperature with humidity
Tight , non breathable garments
Sunburn with excessive sweating
Use of body oils/ cream that cause irritation and sweating
keeping yourself hydrated is the key to regulate your body temperature

In severe case, doctor's help should be sought. But in case of mild form some home remedies come at great rescue. And these also help prevent heat rashes.
taking cool shower, avoiding going out in heat , staying in comfortable temperature and wearing loose breathable fabrics do help in preventing heat rashes.
However, if mild heat rash has already occurred, following home remedies can be followed.

Rubbing ice cubes can be really soothing
Applying pure aloe vera gel frequently on the heat rashes does wonders in alleviating them
Taking the last rinse with cooled pre-boiled neem water , has germicidal effect which precludes any sort of infection .
calamine lotions can bring about relief in itching and irritation.

Take precaution and care and enjoy your summers to the fullest!

Thursday, 14 April 2016

How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Naturally

Here are the best ways to prevent bad breath:

1. The two major causes of bad breath are bacteria and decaying food particles in your mouth. Taking good oral hygiene care of your mouth is one of the best home remedies for bad breath:
(i) Brush your teeth: Brush your teeth twice a day. Choose a fluoride tooth paste. Regular brushing in the correct way is crucial to prevent bad breath.  There are hundreds of nooks and crevices in your mouth which can be a play-ground for these rotting morsels to get lodged and work on producing stinking smell.
(ii) Clean your tongue: Brushing alone is not enough. Sixty percent of the bad breath is due to plaque and bacteria that gather on your tongue, especially on the back. Your tongue is the prime breeding ground for these two harmful rotting materials. One of the best ways to cure bad breath is to clear away this offending plaque and bacteria with a tongue scraper twice a day.
(iii) Swish the water: Make it a habit to take a sip of water after you have any food and swish the water around your mouth between the teeth to clear the debris.
(iv) Floss your teeth: Flossing removes food particles trapped between your teeth. These food particles would otherwise remain lodged between your teeth and decay with time producing smells emitting form your mouth.
(v) Use mouthwash: Many of the mouthwashes are alcohol-based. Avoid these, as alcohol-based mouthwashes dry out and irritate your mouth. Preferably use that contains zinc chloride, chloehexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

(2) Keep your mouth moisturized: Your saliva is enemy of the bad breath. It contains crucial protective enzymes and has antiseptic properties that kill harmful bacteria. A dry mouth aggravates stinky smell in your mouth. Your mouth produces less saliva as you sleep at night that is why you can notice worst smell emitting from your mouth in the morning. So stay hydrated and keep your mouth properly moisturized to stimulate the salivary glands.
Chew sugar free gums to stimulate saliva production. They also come scented to cover your mouth odor. Do not use sugary brands, as they add to your problems. Bacteria in your mouth tend to ferment sugar, which contributes to production of bad breath. Cut down on consumption of sugar otherwise also.
Certain medications or medical conditions can also cause dry mouth. If such is the case, ask your doctor to switch to other medicines or consult your dentist to recommend such mouthwash or toothpaste that are specially formulated to tackle your dry mouth and help in providing salivary substitutes to lubricate the tissues in your mouth.
Drink water regularly throughout the day and swish it between your teeth from side to side. Water does not help in producing saliva, but it will keep your mouth moisturized.

(3) Some more bad breath remedies:
(i) When you brush, make it a habit to brush your tongue also to clear the decaying food morsels sticking to the surface of your tongue.
(ii) Cider vinegar also helps in preventing bad breath. Take a little of cider vinegar mix with water before brushing and swish between teeth and from one side to the other side of mouth.
(iii) You can also try rinsing your mouth with a little of lemon juice mix with water during the day.
(iv) Make it your habit to floss your teeth in the morning and rinse your mouth with alcohol free mouthwash twice a day. However, remember mouthwash is a temporary fix only.
(v) Eat cinnamon to reduce bacteria counts in your mouth.
(vi) Drink green tea, as it contains catechinto a powerful antioxidant which can get your mouth rid of bacteria. Bacteria cause stinky smells.
(vii) Cardamom is a natural breath freshener and has antibacterial properties. Cardamom is a rich source of a compound called cineole, a powerful antiseptic that kills bacteria and lessens bad breath.
(viii) Drink water to keep your mouth moisturized as it helps in reducing growth of bacteria which otherwise would cause bad breath.

Bad breath can sometimes be an underlying symptom of some other health problems, such as liver problems, reflux, diabetes and sinus infections. If you notice after following above tips about how to get rid of bad breath that it still persists, it may be due to certain medical problems about which you need to consult your doctor and get proper treatment.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

How To Make Hair Shiny

1. Massage to get healthy hair:  To have shiny and healthy hair, your scalp needs nourishment. Massaging your scalp with your fingertips stimulates the blood circulation. If you like, you can use coconut, olive oil or any other essential oil for massaging before sleeping at night and shampoo your hair in the morning.

2. To add Shine to Hair: Rub lemon juice and apple cider vinegar into your hair roots for shiny and healthy hair. Wash your hair after half an hour. Be careful not to stay in sun with lemon juice on your hair, as this can lighten your hair color.

3. Natural beauty tips about how to get soft shiny hair: Rub real mayonnaise throughout your dry hair from near the hair roots till it ends. In case you have oily scalp, don’t rub it into your scalp or too close to your hair line. Wash your hands and wrap your hair in a towel or cover your head with a shower cap. Keep it like that for half an hour. Rinse your hair and then shampoo it.

4. Avoid Hot Water to wash your Hair to have glossy hair: After shampooing and conditioning wash your hair with cold water, which will close the hair cuticles and make your hair shine. Hot water dries out your hair and makes it look dull.

5. Avoid too much Hair Styling to have shiny hair: Too much of bleaching, styling and using heat products can dry out and damage your hair. They tend to take away shine from your hair in the long run.

6. Be careful while blow-drying your hair to have healthy hair:
(i) Best is to air-dry your hair.
(ii) If you have to use hair dryer, never use it on wet hair. Make sure your hair is at least 70% dry before you use hair dryer and style. You can wrap your hair in a towel for five minutes and then let hair air-dry for another five – ten minutes till it is 70% dry.
(iii) The less heat you use on your hair, the healthier they remain.

7. Avoid Harsh Chemicals to get healthy hair:
(i) Harsh chemicals are enemies of soft shiny hair. If you have to use them, neither leave them on too long and nor use them often.
(ii) Also limit your hair exposure to the chemicals, like chlorine in swimming pools.
(iii) Avoid products that contain alcohol, as they dry out your hair and strip off its shine.
(iv) Choose shampoo and conditioner having natural / organic ingredients.

8. Trim your hair ends once in six weeks: This is because of the fact that split ends make your hair look dull and dry.

9. Diet about how to make your hair healthy: 
(i) Hair is made of protein, so eat sufficient protein to strengthen your hair and add shine to hair. Eggs, chicken, beans and nuts are loaded with protein.
(ii) Include in your diet variety of fruits, vegetables, especially dark green veggies.
(iii) Vitamins A and E are helpful to make hair shiny.

10. Drink plenty of water to keep you hydrated: This helps to keep you healthy, including keeping your hair and skin properly moisturized.

11. Some other tips about how to have soft shiny hair:
(i) When brushing your hair, you just need a few strokes to style hair and spread the natural oils from roots to ends. Don’t brush too much as the friction can break your hair.
(ii) Avoid smoking and too much of alcohol, as both are bad for your health and healthy shiny hair.

(iii) If you wash your hair in the morning, cover your pillow with a towel and rub coconut or olive oil into your hair roots the earlier night (if you wash your hair at night, rub it in about an hour before washing your hair).

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Troublesome back acne......

Appearance of acne and pimples on the face is pretty common and spread through a wide range of age group. Apart from the face, many people suffer with the bothersome problem of having acne on their backs. Like acne on face, the cause of acne on the back also remains the same, which is over secretion of oil from the sebaceous glands, which could be due to hormonal imbalance or improper lifestyle.An additional issue with back acne is that it stays covered most of the time which further delays its healing time.

Due to accumulation of sweat, oil and grime, the problem gets more aggravated. Unlike our faces, we cannot keep rinsing our back often for keeping it free of grime, hence more dirt and sebum build up.

A few precautions and natural remedies can be practised to keep back acne at bay.
Clothing: It should be borne in mind that people who suffer from back acne should wear loose cotton clothing instead of tight clothing. Light breathable fabrics must be worn most of the times, in order to keep the skin free of sweat and allow the skin to breathe.

Cleanliness: Keeping the back scrupulously clean is the key to preclude acne. one must shower twice a day with a medicated soap, to keep the skin free of  dirt and acne causing germs.

Natural remedy:  An effective anti-acne pack should be applied thrice a week to ward off back acne. A natural pack consisting of Fullers Earth/ Sandalwood powder along with Neem paste and a few drops of Tea Tree essential oil, helps a great deal in clearing off acne.
Regular scrubbing the skin with oatmeal and Epsom salt helps a great deal in keeping away acne.

Diet: Diet is an integral part for subsiding any ailment. Oily, fried and food high in  fats must be avoided at any cost. Sugary and refined food also contributes a lot in aggravating acne. In certain instances dairy products also trigger acne, so care must be taken while consuming dairy products.
Lots of water must be consumed throughout the day , as it eliminates toxins from the body. A diet rich in fruits ,cereals and veggies must be consumed for alleviating back acne.

Proper rest and exercise can never be neglected.
Take the mentioned steps and in a few weeks' time you would flaunt a beautiful and clear back!

Thursday, 31 March 2016

What Foods Are Good For Your Skin?


Yogurt contains lots of Protein, Vitamins, including Vitamin A. Protein helps your skin to become firmer, so it’s more resistant to fine lines. Vitamin A is good for skin health. A word of caution is to have yogurt of non-to low fat varieties with no added sugar. Yogurt is first in our list of Best Foods for Healthy Skin.
·         Blueberries:
Foods that are rich in antioxidants, like blueberries, a super-charged antioxidant, contribute a lot for good healthy skin. Free radicals caused by pollution and UV rays hurt your skin and lead to DNA damage. Antioxidants are extremely helpful in controlling free radicals, so blueberries come in the category of Foods that are good for your skin.

·         Tomatoes:
It’s a rich source of lycopene that contributes in reducing free radicals caused by UV radiation, protecting your skin against sun damage. This potent antioxidant gives best results when cooked, so homemade tomato sauce and tomato soup are both great for skin’s health.

·         Pomegranates:
They contain polyphenol antioxidants that not only fight with free radicals but also regulate skin’s blood flow, giving it rosiness. You can also apply fruits’ antioxidants (apply fruits’ juice) onto your skin to reduce wrinkles, hence this food is included in our list of best foods for beautiful skin.

·          Mangoes, Papaya, and Apricots:
They are loaded with carotenoids, which are stored in the layer of fat immediately beneath the skin that improve color and can give you a rosy glow, so they deserve to form part of best diet foods that are good for your skin.

·          Almonds:
They are loaded with Vitamin E and are full of monounsaturated fat. Include them in your diet to keep yourself healthy and have youthful skin. Include this nut in your Diet for Good Skin.

·         Spinach:

This contains lot of antioxidants and folate that help to maintain and repair skin cells and reduce chances of cancer-cells growth. It is full of lutein, potassium, fiber and impart a youthful glow to your skin and at the same time prevent skin aging. This is another food that is good for your skin.

Saturday, 26 March 2016


Who doesn't like to flaunt a cascade of shiny, silky and richly vibrant colored mane! Hair color has been in vogue for quite some years and its popularity doesn't seem to cease. Hair color adds style and glamour not just to the hair but to the overall appearance of the person , of course with the right choice of color.

More than the effort and time that goes into coloring the hair, it entails more effort in maintaining the health and shine of the hair and the color respectively. With a few easy and regularly followed it would be a cakewalk to maintain beautifully colored healthy hair.

First and foremost, use special color treated mild shampoo for washing your hair. Make sure to rinse the hair with cold water. And use an effective moisture enriched and moisture sealing conditioner(preferably salon recommended).

Stay away from harsh cleansers for hair.

Minimize going to the swimming pool or at least wear an effective protective swimming cap.Also avoid direct sun rays from damaging your hair, by protecting your hair either with a hat or a scarf.

Reduce the usage of styling tools like blow dryer, flat iron or curlers to the minimum.

Deep conditioning the hair using natural ingredients is very essential. A deep conditioning hair pack consisting of honey, mashed banana and egg should be applied once a week.
 Treating the hair with nourishing oils like olive oil, coconut oil or almond oil, at least two hours prior to shampoo should be done regularly to prevent any damage to the hair.

Follow these simple tips diligently and your colored hair will bounce with shine !

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Common Beauty Mistakes you should avoid!

1.     Don’t Apply conditioner throughout your hair: Don’t apply conditioner in the same way, as you apply shampoo all over your hair. The hair closest to your scalp is the healthy new growth & they don’t need conditioning. Start applying conditioner from middle of your hair, as they are older & need conditioning. If you apply from the roots, you will not only waste the product but also make your hair heavy and look greasy. This is a beauty mistake which women usually commit.

2.     Don’t Apply foundation without waiting for moisturizer to dry out and soak into skin: The creaminess of a moisturizer can cause makeup to thin out if the moisturizer hasn't had enough time to soak into the skin. Wait for your moisturizer to dry out so that you can apply foundation to even out your skin tones.

3.     Don’t Apply mascara on the lower lashes:Mascara coated lower lashes draw attention to under eye imperfections like dark circles, crow’s feet and hyperpigmentation.

4.     Do not neglect your neck: While applying foundation be careful to apply a little to your neck as well. Otherwise you will make a beauty blunder and your face will look one color and neck a different shade. The skin on neck is as sensitive as on your face and will age with sun exposure. So when you are applying sunscreen on your face, apply a little on your neck.

5.     Don’t Spray perfume after having dressed up: Perfumes are formulated to be applied to skin and not fabric. Perfume can stain fabric, and fabric fibers can make perfume smell unpleasant.  Before dressing, lightly dab or spray it onto the skin at one or two of the "pulse points"―knees, wrists, base of the throat, and behind the earlobes. And don't rub your wrists together. This breaks down a perfume's molecular structure.
6.      Plucking Eyebrows Too Close to the Mirror:  When you're focused on every little hair, you don't keep track of the shape of the entire eyebrow. The result? Thin or uneven brows. Caution: Don’t pluck your eyes too close to the mirror. Move closer to the mirror and tweeze few hairs and then step back to check the shape of your eyebrows. Repeat this process to give an even shape to your eyebrows.
7.     Overuse of medication on your acne or blemishes: The treatments you apply on your blemishes or acne contains acids and they penetrate your skin for hours after they are applied. So do not douse the affected area again & again to get treated faster. Overuse can lead to a burn out causing redness, peeling, and irritation.

8.     Lip liner and Lipstick together: It’s not always a good practice to wear one color of lip liner and another color of lipstick. This can be one of the most embarrassing beauty mistakes, if the lipstick disappears but liner remains. 

Thursday, 17 March 2016

How To Get Rid Of Forehead Wrinkles

Aging is the chief cause for developing forehead wrinkles. If you know how to get rid of forehead wrinkles tips, you can slow down this natural process and even reduce forehead wrinkles as well.

What Causes wrinkles on forehead:

(i) Repeating the same facial expression, whether of displaying anger, happiness or worry over a period of time.
(ii) With aging, the production of collagen and elastin decrease and your skin loses some of its natural elastin and collagen reserves. With the reduction of these, your skin develops wrinkles, including forehead wrinkles.
(iii) Sun exposure is another chief contributor to the wrinkles, particularly those in the forehead region.
(iv) Genetic aspect also plays its role and it determines in which specific area or at which specific age you will develop wrinkles. It is possible that someone may develop wrinkles in one’s forehead region at some quite young age, due to genetic reasons.
To prevent wrinkles you need to take care of your skin from an early age. But even if you have not done so and wrinkles have started forming or have already formed on your forehead, taking care later in life can still reduce forehead wrinkles and prevent new wrinkles from forming.

How to Get Rid of Forehead Wrinkles:

(i) Balanced Diet: Eat balanced diet comprising of lean meat, whole grains, fruits, green leafy vegetables and those foods which are high in anti-oxidants to get rid of wrinkles on forehead.
(a) Nutrition deficiency of Vitamins A, C, B3 and E can contribute to forehead wrinkles formation.
(b) Get medical tests done for checking vitamins deficiency. If it’s there, consult your doctor to have deficient vitamins supplements.
(ii) Quit or Avoid smoking. Smoking is not only bad for your health, it also causes the blood vessels present in the epidermis to constrict which will in turn restrict the blood supply to your skin, causing premature wrinkles formation including forehead wrinkles.
(iii) Use Moisturizer: Keep your skin hydrated to prevent forehead wrinkles.
(a)  As you age, your skin gets prone to drying out easily and becomes less elastic due to decrease in secretion of natural oils. So keep your skin adequately moisturized. Dry skin can often make forehead wrinkles more visible.
(b) Keep yourself hydrated from inside too, so consume a lot of water during the day.
(iv) Avoid direct sun exposure. The UV rays are one of the chief causes for all types of wrinkles, particularly in the forehead area, as it gets the most sun exposure.
(a) To prevent forehead wrinkles, wear sunscreen even during the winters and also consider using beauty products.
(b) You can also wear broad – brimmed hat when you go out in sun light for extended period of time, especially on sunny days.
(v) Wear Sunglasses: Make it a habit to wear sunglasses when you go out in bright light to avoid squinting to reduce forehead wrinkles. Frequent squinting causes glabellar lines, a form of forehead wrinkles which run across your forehead over your eyes.
(vi) Cover your head in cold & windy weather: Cold and wind dry out your skin so they lead to the formation of wrinkles.

(vii) Avoid Stress and Anxiety: These act as contributor to forehead wrinkles, so avoid these. Have adequate sleep every day.

Friday, 11 March 2016

Marine Ingredients for gorgeous skin!

Now its time to look ahead and beyond flowers and other herbs that grow terrestrially, for beautiful skin. Our seas and oceans have a plethora of unique aquatic flora which have profound benefits on the skin.
To begin with, lets evaluate the essence of sea water for their beneficial properties.  Sea water is rich and concentrated in minerals like Magnesium, Phosphorous, Zinc and Calcium; which is same as that of our blood plasma devoid of its White Blood Cells. Our skin needs to continuously replenish itself with these essential minerals and it can be obtained by natural skin- care products containing the concentrated sea water.
Like Sea water, marine salts are also rich reservoirs of minerals. Using them as bath crystals or skin polishers, does wonders to the skin.
Focusing on Anti-ageing , the floor of the sea is a trove of  youth sustaining ingredients. Right from seaweeds to kelp to brown algae, everything has immense skin beautifying features. The rich nutrients like peptides, vitamins and antioxidants  have anti-inflammatory to anti-ageing properties. These ingredients are known to nourish and hydrate the skin apart from providing protection from UV rays.
Algae are known to have tightening and detoxifying effect on the skin.
 So go ahead and explore the seas for a vibrant and younger skin.
